Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 14 Reading

Everyone has their own opinions on what beauty is, mine is beauty is what you make of yourself and love about yourself.  I have always been called "chunk", clear back to high school!  Back then it did hurt my feelings to the extent that I would take diet pills at every meal instead of eating.  It got to the point that I started having the shakes if I didn't take a diet pill.  My senior year I actually passed out in class.  That was the most embarrassing moment in my life and I realized that no matter how people talked to me, what names they called me, or the amount of weight I put back on, I was going to be happy with myself.  As I have gotten older, I have had a fluctuation of weight change!  I'm currently at my heaviest I've been in years and at my lowest of eighty four pounds back in October.  I was told that I looked anorexic and just plain looked sicked all the time.  At the time I had no idea why I was so thin until I had test done to find out I had a medical condition that caused me to lose weight and gain weight.  Back and forth on this roller coaster for years.  Most young women don't have the problems I have had that are treatable and resort to binging or purging to be what they think is accepting in today's society.  Some even go through the surgeries to better perfect their bodies that they think are not already perfect.  What I say is brace what you have.  No one can make you feel inferior but yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hi April,

    Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your honesty and sincerity. Sadly, there are many women who undergo this same problem -- even while knowing the health concerns. There seems to be an immense pressure on women to modify their bodies in ways that are painful and life threatening. Although I think that everyone struggles with how they look, women are taught at a very young age that there is something wrong with them.

    What change would you like to see in society? What do you intend to do, so that young girls don't grow up feeling shit about their bodies?

    Ms. C
