Thursday, January 27, 2011

Writing Assignment for 1/25/11

I have chosen the ad for Nikon CoolPix 3100.  The ad shows a women that looks as if she is looking at herself.  On the left she is a skinny white woman with dark hair and a small bust.  On the right side of the picture she appears the same with a difference in the size of her bust line.  What the company is trying to show is that if you buy their camera with all the features, it will enhance the photo, as if giving the woman a bigger chest.    I feel as though the ad is targeting both men and women to purchase their camera.  The men would see the picture of a woman with larger breast and feel that if they purchased the Nikon CoolPix 3100 that any picture they take will be enhanced.  With better features.  A woman might purchase the camera so that she will see herself as better looking once the picture was taken.  Nikon uses "beautiful" people to attract a bigger variety of people to purchase their product.  Not only would someone who may not have issues with the way the see themselves buy it, but someone who wants to feel better about themselves might purchase it too.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I come from a large family, I have four sisters and one brother and I'm the oldest.  I have five nephews and two nieces with hopefully another one on the way, we will find out next month!  I spent my school years here in St. Joseph, MO and spent my summer's in Aurora, CO!  Family came from both places so we got to enjoy both.  I love to read, there has never been a book I have yet to find that I just didn't like and could not finish.  Classmates will find that I will always volunteer to read and I pretty much write when I have to.  I found last semester that some things are easier to write about than others and hope to find my way through it this semester.  My strengths in reading are that I can usually read something once and be able to remember it, writing not so much.  I find that sometimes my words seem to run together so I have to keep reading my own papers over and over until even I understand what I wrote.