Thursday, January 27, 2011

Writing Assignment for 1/25/11

I have chosen the ad for Nikon CoolPix 3100.  The ad shows a women that looks as if she is looking at herself.  On the left she is a skinny white woman with dark hair and a small bust.  On the right side of the picture she appears the same with a difference in the size of her bust line.  What the company is trying to show is that if you buy their camera with all the features, it will enhance the photo, as if giving the woman a bigger chest.    I feel as though the ad is targeting both men and women to purchase their camera.  The men would see the picture of a woman with larger breast and feel that if they purchased the Nikon CoolPix 3100 that any picture they take will be enhanced.  With better features.  A woman might purchase the camera so that she will see herself as better looking once the picture was taken.  Nikon uses "beautiful" people to attract a bigger variety of people to purchase their product.  Not only would someone who may not have issues with the way the see themselves buy it, but someone who wants to feel better about themselves might purchase it too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi April,

    I really like the concept that you talk about -- beautiful people. You write,

    "Nikon uses "beautiful" people to attract a bigger variety of people to purchase their product."

    The reason I think that this is important is because of the product of the ad you have chosen. If you have seen other ads or commercials for CoolPix, you will notice that the setting is normally some hot party and the spokesperson is no other person but Ashton Kutcher. What I would suggest modifying for your paper is the intro. Continue with this them of "beautiful" people. Go to youtube and search for Nikon CoolPix commercials that may feature Ashton Kutcher. Take note of the setting and "beautiful" people. It could be that this concept relates to the attractive features.

    Ms. C
