Monday, November 29, 2010

Literacy Autobiography question

What about your present educational story? Is college what you expected? Have you learned or gained anything?  Have your perceptions of learning been changed or challenged?
College is more than I expected.  I knew it would be tough since I have been out of school for so long, I just didn't realize that I would need to adjust my life around it as much as I have.  I no longer have "down time", if I'm not doing something involving family, cleaning house, shopping, or reading my books that I have, I am doing homework or studying for classes.  Now all my work is basically done online and it is up to me to complete it.  When in high school it was done in the class.  I read more now than I did in high school also.  Reading I don't mind, because I have always liked to read, I just feel as though I read more school than I do for leisure.  I hope to catch up on some reading over Christmas break.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Experiences with reading and writing

Before this course I thought that it would be more reading than writing.  I'm glad that we got the chance to write, it prepares you for your future classes.

There was not anything I was unsure of prior to this class.

I read a lot, I have always been a reader.  I enjoy sitting for hours reading a book, most of the time I will stay up till two or three in the morning just because I can't put a book down.  My house is like a library.  I took a writing class in high school, but we never had to write anything on our own, it was always a group story we would write.  I took English 104 in high school also and the only essay I remember writing was a summary and analysis on "Othello" by William Shakespeare.  I'm sure we wrote on other stories also, but that particular one I remember, because I liked it so much.

Self Evaluation for Task Three

What is the thesis for your paper? I am still unsure what my thesis on this paper was...

List the main points you make in your paper.  I describe how I was flunked and compared it to how teachers need to follow through with that instead of passing the students.  Also I explained how it has affected my life today.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? My grammar 

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? The outline, how my paper should flow.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? I wrote three different drafts over a period of four days.  I kept remembering different things so I'd have to go back to add them.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?  The hardest part was where I had to enter the quotes.  I don't think I had enough.  I didn't feel like the quotes I used went well with the story.

What are most pleased with about this paper?  Writing this paper made me remember to try hard everyday in all my classes so that I don't have a repeat of history.