Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How it feels to be colored me Reflection and Writing Question 1

I give myself the label a homemaker.  I know that sounds like a 1950’s women who stays home, makes sure that things are in order and dinner is on the table at 5:00, but that is how I feel.   I like to know that my house is clean, beds are made, dishes done and dinner cooked to perfection at a decent time.  It affects me daily, I wake up every morning and begin cleaning house, making the bed, doing laundry, putting dishes away, and setting out the meal that I have planned for each night of the week.  I love to cook, if I had time I think I would write a cook book, I rarely make the same meal twice.  I compare myself to families who eat out all the time because they don’t take the time or have the time due to children’s activities or activities of their own to prepare a decent meal for them.  I believe that your home shows people who you are.  If you don’t keep up appearance on your home or your belongings, then people assume that you are a slacker, procrastinator, a slob, etc.  I  choose to be like this because I don’t want those labels.  It has actually gotten to the point that I have OCD from being like this.  I make myself a to do list for my house daily.  I guess I compare myself to the 1950’s housewife or a Betty Crocker if that makes any sense. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi April,

    I like the description that you have included to label yourself, but examine the question once more. Ask yourself,"Compare your concept of self with Hurston's, as she expresses it in this essay."

    How does Hurston label herself? How does she feel among her own community and how against a "stark white background?"
