Friday, October 29, 2010

Task Three Reflection.

I plan to use "In Praise of the F Word" by Mary Sherry.  I can relate to this story, because in a way, my history teacher used the F word on me.  In my Junior year of high school, I failed my history class because I did not apply myself.  As a senior, I applied myself because I knew what the consequences would be.  Even though I past the class, barely, I was called in the day before graduation and was told that I had to take the final to graduate.  I remember at the beginning of the year, he told us, "history repeats its self".  At that time, I really didn't understand what he meant by that.  On my final he wanted me to write a one page essay about what I learned.  I started the essay with, You told us at the beginning of the year that history repeats its self, well here I am back in history class.  A class that I have already taken.  I continued for a whole page explaining what I had learned.  After the final was over Mr. Freiling told me that the only thing in my essay in his opinion that made me pass was my first line, history repeats its self.  I think that because he used the F word with on me and actually did it, made me realize that you have to be accountable for your actions or in my case accountable for the things I did not do my junior year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi April,

    I really like the example that you have used above. If you are to use this paragraph above, I would suggest developing Sherry's essay a bit more, which I would assume you would do anyway. I understand that Task Three may seem overwhelming at first; however, if you create an outline for what you would like to write early on, I don't suspect a problem. What I would suggest to you is to develop Sherry's essay and establish the connection between you and this essay. Following, you can tell us what happened and why you decided to come back to school (e.g. a post you made earlier). Let me know if this helps.

    Ms. C
